IFB Number: MoF/DFIC/G09 Purchaser: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs through DFIC Project
Project: Support for Digitalization, Financial Inclusion and Competitiveness Project (DFIC)
Contract title: Competition and Fair-Trading Commission Information Management System
Country: Malawi Loan No. / Grant No.: 2100155041177
Procurement Method: Open Competitive Bidding (International)
Issued on: 2 nd November, 2023
1. The Government of Malawi has received financing from the African Development Bank hereinafter called the Bank toward the cost of the Support for Digitalization, Financial Inclusion and Competitiveness Project (DFIC) and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for the development and implementation of the Competition and Fair-Trading Commission Information Management System. For this contract, the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct payment disbursement method, as defined in the Bank’s Disbursement Guideline and Procedures for Investment Project Financing.
2. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs through DFIC Project now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the development and implementation of the Competition and Fair-Trading Commission Information Management System (IMS). The IMS is envisioned as a system designed to digitalize the processes of the Competition and Fair-Trading Competition (CFTC) and it is expected to support effective processing, storage and sharing of information. The IMS will require both hardware, software, capacity building and system maintenance for a specified duration and expected to be delivered within a period of 138 days from the date of signing the contract1 . The location of the project is Lilongwe, Malawi: Lot Description of Good and Services QYT Delivery period Delivery Location I Development and Installation of the Information Management System (IMS) (including procurement of the ICT Hardware) 288 days from signing the contract Lilongwe, Malawi
3. Bidding will be conducted through the Open Competitive Bidding (International), (OCBI) method as specified in the Bank’s Procurement Framework for Bank Group funded Operations dated October 2015 and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Framework.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs through DFIC Project, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Mr. Medson Kasambara (Procurement Specialist) who is reachable on dficproject@gmail.com and inspect the bidding document during office hours (9:00hrs to 16:00 hours local time) at the address given below: DFIC Project, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Capital Hill, City Centre, P.O. Box 30049, Capital City, Lilongwe 3.
5. The bidding document in English may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of K5,000.00 or in convertible currency. The method of payment will be:
Account name: Support for Digitalization, Financial Inclusion and Competitiveness (DFIC) Project
Account No.: 5460000005089
Bank name: Eco Bank Malawi Limited
Branch code: 040707
Swift code: ECOCMWMW Account type: Current