Procurement Reference No.: CFTC/CS/22/07/01
Date of Issue: 7TH July, 2022
The Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC) is a body corporate established under the Competition and Fair Trading Act, Cap 48:09 of the Laws of Malawi.
The CFTC has allocated funds and intends to apply part of the proceeds of these funds towards the cost of procurement of consultancy services for Risk Management Services.
The CFTC now invites suitably qualified bidders to send expressions of interest for this procurement of consultancy services.
The CFTC is looking for an individual with:
- Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in a field Risk Management was part of the study.
- Certificate in specialized training in Risk Management.
- Professional experience in risk management in an institution risk management is one core function / duty.
- A minimum of two assignment undertaken similar to the one the Commission is inviting bids for.
- Professional Members to an association/institute for risk management professions/alternative bodies.
The Commission will send the Request for Proposal to the first six (6) Consultants that will express interest to participate in the bidding proceeding and meet the above requirements to submit their technical and financial proposals to provide the consultancy services. The proposals shall be evaluated using a Least Cost Based Selection (LCS) methodology.
Interested eligible bidders may submit expressions of interest to the address below. The submission MUST include:
- Certificate of Business Registration,
- Tax Payer Identification Number,
- Tax Clearance Certificate for 2020/2021.
Expressions of interest must be sent to between today 7th July 2022 and 14th July 2022. The Technical and Financial Proposals must be submit before 14:00 hours on 27th July 2022 through email address: or alternatively in a flask disk in a sealed envelope.
The Chairperson,
Internal Procurement and Disposal Committee,
Competition and Fair Trading Commission,
Off Presidential Way,
Golden Peacock Office Complex – 6th Floor,
City Centre,
Private Bag 332,
Capital City, Lilongwe 3;
Phone: 0310001440/1;
For clarification, contact Senior Procurement Officer on phone number +265 310 001 440/1 (office) or +265 888 550 539 (mobile). All calls MUST be during working hours ONLY. Or through email