The Competition and Fair Trading Commission (the “Commission”) is a Government agency established under the Competition and Fair Trading Act. The Commission is mandated to regulate, monitor, control and prevent acts or conducts which are likely to adversely affect competition and fair trading in Malawi. In pursuance of this mandate, the Commission, among others, carries out studies in various sectors to understand market dynamics in a particular sector or industry, identify anticompetitive and unfair trading practices prevalent in the particular sector or industry, and suggest interventions for ensuring efficiency in the operations of the particular market.

It is against this background that the Commission wishes to inform manufacturers, distributors, traders, consumers, trade associations and other industry stakeholders that the Commission is conducting a study to establish level of competition and consumer protection in in the cement sector. The study, among others, wishes to collect information a number of parameters including major cement subsectors, key players or stakeholders, market concentration, levels and nature of affiliation by market players, mergers and acquisitions taken or taking place, levels of export and import competition, entry trends and barriers to entry into the cement market, existing anticompetitive and unfair trading practices, opportunities and challenges and suggested policy and law changes needed to promote competition and consumer protection in the cement market in Malawi.

In view of the above, the Commission requests you to accord the Consultant conducting this study your kind attention. Be rest assured that the information you are going to submit will be treated with strictest confidentiality and will be used solely for the purpose of this study. The Commission will be grateful to receive your oral and/or written responses by Wednesday, 8th January, 2025.

In case you need clarifications or further details concerning any aspect of this study, or you want to make your submissions, please, contact the Commission through our Public Relations Officer Innocent Helema on phone number +265 880 725 075 or email address or Hard copies of your submissions can be delivered to: The Chief Executive Officer, Competition and Fair Trading Commission, 1st Floor MERA Office Complex, adj. Lilongwe Civic Offices, Convention Drive, City Centre; or by courier through Post Office Private Bag 332, Lilongwe 3.