On 19th October, 2022, the Commission officially commenced investigations against Malawi Dairy Industries (MDI) on allegations of supplying products which do not comply with prescribed consumer safety standards, insufficient labelling of products and non-disclosure of material information.
During inspections, the Commission found that “MDI Homogenised and Pasteurised Liquid Milk”, 250 ml” packaging material and labelling of the product did not display any information that would provide information on the shelf life of the products.
It was found that the products had no “manufacture dates”, “products valid shelf life” and/or “expiry dates”.
Following deliberations, the Commission found that there was conclusive evidence that MDI supplied a product which did not display sufficient information in contravention Section 43(1)(e) of the CFTA.
The Commission, among others, therefore ordered MDI to pay MK500,000.00 for supplying a product which did not comply with prescribed consumer safety standards.